The York Region Senior Wellness Centre

951 Denison Street, Unit 7, Markham, ON Tel: 289-909-0084

Special Meetings
Tinnitus is a ringing, swishing, or other type of noise.  The noise seems to originated from the ear or head. Many people experience tinnitus or sounds in the ears at one point or another. It is believe that one tenth of all seniors who are 65 to 74 years old are affected by tinnitus is some way.


耳鳴是一種似乎起源於耳部或頭部的振鈴,嗖嗖,或其他類型的噪音。很多人在一生中的 很多時間都可能遇到耳或者覺得耳邊有聲音響起。在六十五致七十四歲的長者中,有十分之一的人會受到耳鳴的困擾

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Community Safety
Tea Art
Senior Abuse Prevention
Sedan Chair Challenge
Hip Hop Again Senior Abuse
Know How Your Home Works
Fall Prevention
Regular Programs
Book Reading Club
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York Region Transit
City of Vaughan
York Region Weather